This page provides information on the way the Parish Council assesses planning applications and links to consultations that may be of interest to residents of Quendon and Rickling


Planning Guidance and Regulations

National Planning Policy framework

The Essex Design Guide  (ECC Publication)

Manual For Streets


Quendon & Rickling Parish Council

Planning Guidelines


Quendon and Rickling Conservation Area


Revised Map 


Uttlesford latest planning decisions

Click here to see the latest planning decisions from UDC


Uttlesford District Council Local Plan

The current local plan is in development. More information is available here.

The previous local plan: UDC have produced a draft plan which sets the context for the development of housing and business in Uttlesford for the next 15 years. A consultation on its content was conducted from 12th July to 4th September 2017. Prior to the adoption of a new local plan the UDC 2005 Local Plan is the document against which applications for development are assessed.


Newport, Quendon and Rickling Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan is a formal agreement for the long-term development of where we live. Residents are involved at every step via surveys, consultations and a referendum at the end. And once adopted we can use our plan to guide development in our villages. It is a legally binding roadmap for the future of our villages that we all decide. Visit for the most recent information on the Newport, Quendon and Rickling Neighbourhood Plan.


Residential Applications

Please Note: All planning applications are now on line.

Go to to see the weekly updated list of most recently received applications.


Assets of Community Value

Rickling Village Green

Rickling Green Primary School

The Old Parish Rooms, Rickling Green

Cricketers Arms, Rickling Green

Village Hall

Quendon Hall

Quendon Church

Quendon Wood