Over recent years, communities throughout the country have been encouraged to produce a Parish or Village Plan. The value of such documents has been the opportunity for residents to take stock of the infrastructure and local services within their areas and to identify what needs to be preserved, improved or in some cases, discarded in their communities. It also records how communities would like to see their villages develop over the coming years.
Work started on Quendon and Rickling’s Village Plan in 2011 with a ‘brainstorming’workshop in the Village Hall. Residents were encouraged to record what they liked and disliked about life in the villages, and from the variety of topics highlighted at this event, a group of volunteers compiled a Community Questionnaire. This was delivered to each household in the villages in April 2012, and the results were collated and analysed by a Steering Group and then summarised in The 2015 Quendon & Rickling Village Plan.
As well as summarising the results of the 2012 survey, the Village Plan includes updates of actions already taken as a result of matters raised during this consultation process. It also highlights recommendations for further actions that should be taken to address issues that are not so easily, or instantly resolved, and this information will not only be available to local people, but interested groups and local agencies will have access to this document when considering future projects in Quendon and Rickling.
The next step was to produce an Action Plan. This document prioritises the actions and identifies which agencies and interested parties may be involved in working towards the suggested targets. Installing an additional waste-bin may be a simpler task than sorting out local traffic problems, and it may not be possible to act upon each recommendation in the short term, but each Recommended Action will be thoroughly investigated and regular updates of progress will appear in The Link and on the Village Website.
The final stage of this process is to recruit volunteers from the community and set up small working groups. These groups will focus on different areas of the Action Plan, bringing the ‘Recommended Actions’ to their conclusion, and it is hoped that many of the recommendations put forward by the community are achievable over the coming years.
The Village Plan will be regularly reviewed and updated and will reflect the changing needs within our community as we face the future. The next step is also to produce a Neighbourhood Plan and we have started this process in conjunction with Newport PC. Details will follow in due course.
Click on the following links for: -
The 2015 Quendon & Rickling Village Plan:
The 2016 Action Plan:
The statistics and comments in the 2012 Survey:
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