The initiative to conduct a Footpath Survey came from various sources; initially as an action listed in
the Quendon & Rickling Village Plan, but also as a campaign led by The Ramblers called The Big Pathwatch.
The survey was conducted by a group of volunteers in the Autumn of 2015. Although entitled a Footpath Survey,
this report covers all Public Rights of Way within the parish.
All of the footpaths in and around the village have been surveyed and are generally well defined,
although some signage needs replacing or improvement. A seasonal problem, and one that was evident
in this survey, was overgrown vegetation bordering some of the paths. There is a need to encourage
householders and landowners alike to regularly cutback excessive growth on their boundaries adjacent
to public paths. On occasions, access across fields is slow to be re-instated following ploughing or the
planting of crops.
This report produces a number of actions to be undertaken and it is hoped that those of at least a practical
nature can be completed before Spring 2016.
Finally, a big ‘thank you’ to all of those who took part and contributed by walking the paths, offering advice
and information and for putting this report together.